Membership Options
Global Apostolic Alliance offers a variety of membership options for individuals, churches and ministries.
Licensed Minister
-A “license” to function in a ministry role while preparing for full ordination -Provide covering and accountability
Ordained Minister
-For those with a confirmed demonstrable 5 fold calling
-Apostolic covering for the organization such as a church or ministry
Global Apostolic Alliance is an International Apostolic Network of Ministers, Ministries and Churches working together to extend the Kingdom of God throughout the world.

Our blog
Check out Devotions, Featured Ministries, Events, Media, & Latest News in our Blog.
“No man is an island” is a well-known phrase that reminds us that our lives are not only related to other people but are dependent on other people. We all need other people to live; we are all interconnected.

Be part of something Greater than yourself!

May 2020 be the year you believe the Lord’s Word over your life. May 2020 be the year you are established in God’s full purpose for your life. As you believe the prophetic word God has declared over your life, you will prosper.

As we grow deep in the knowledge of Holy Spirit, we will expand and impact positively our community!

Pray that every encounter, every touch, every word and every action will bring and minister restoration of Gods promises to you and those around you. Be an agent of restoration through the power of God.

Our Leadership
Global Apostolic Alliance was born from a call of God that started in 2004. Initially it involved six ministers with a wide variety of ministries, both nationally and internationally, who came together to give leadership and oversight to a growing new ministry.